Wellbeing & Confidential Contact Person

Student Wellbeing

In this document you can find all contact points regarding well-being and practical matters.

Here you can find the Wellbeing page of the TU/e with a overview of who you can go to in different situations.

Confidential Contact Person

The confidential contact person (CCP) is the point of contact within D.S.A. Pattern for anyone who is confronted with transgressive behaviour or wants confidentiality to discuss an incident. The CCP is, in the field of social safety, the connecting factor between D.S.A. Pattern and the confidential counsellors for undesirable behaviour within Tilburg University and TU/e. 
This document captures the policy framework, the tasks, principles and workflow a confidential contact person from Tilburg University is obliged to work with within D.S.A. Pattern. 

Merel Jung

Email: m.jung@student.tue.nl

Hetvi Chaniyara

Hetvi Chaniyara

Email: h.a.chaniyara@student.tue.nl